Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Corrupted Institution

Note: My first semester at MTSU found me living with 2 roomates that were the stereotypical college students. Towards the end of my first semester I had enough. My roomates had stolen and broken my property. They had brought in liquor and smoked in the room. They had brought in fireworks in our room and shot them off in the halls. All of which was against the rules. I told the people in student housing this, and asked to be moved. Their response: "Where would you like to move?" Needless to say, I was enraged at such an injustice and hypocrisy. This where this paper came from.

How engorged in a desire of greed and lust does the Tennessee, nay the American government and educational system have to be to overlook their own policies that they might claim another dollar from the tight pocketbooks of already financially strapped students at the expense of their emotions and well being? I ask you this. But yet as I ask, I hold before you the answer. The Tennessee educational system is as corrupt as the Chicago city government, as corrupt as the Iraqi government, and is as corrupt as the Queen of Hearts from Wonderland. Poor Alice would shed a tear for all of the children destroyed due to the lack of morality here in Tennessee.
This desire, this lust, this profound, agonizing loathing of the established powers that be grows from their own policies, corrupted by the all mighty dollar. Where as the child is sent to school to study, to grow, and to learn, how is it possible for that child to grow, to study, and to learn with the fullness of their ability when the gatekeepers of power keep them from their true potential? How do they do so? Policies ignored at the expense of one lost child, but not a lost dollar. Is it the object, the goal, and vision of that institution to create and mold fine, upstanding, productive members of society, or is it their goal to gain another pocket full of cash.
I lay my incident on the table for public display. Public Housing on college campuses—we all know what is possible and probable in the dorm life setting. Alcohol on an alcohol free campus, firearms and fireworks where they are illegal, government banned contraband being used fragrantly and publicly with no concern for it to be stopped, hauled, ceased, or delayed—all are elements of university life. And though a complaint is made, though a request is place before them, the powers that be appease the protester, leaving alone their own principles and morals. They say, “Here you go. Leave and be happy.” But do they care that their reputation is at stake? Do they care that although their teachings are accredited their morals are not? I say nay in the highest.
Will the wicked, the liars and crooks, the cheats and the wrongdoers, the guilty and shamefaced ever be punished? As likely as Leave It To Beaver being popular again on Prime Time Networks. It does not stop here. This is only the beginning. These actions taken, or lack of action taken by the institution are in direct opposition to what it ‘stands for’ and publicly ‘envisions.’ They teach that you must be truthful and hardworking, intelligent and faithful to succeed. Yet in the dark shadows of their closet they treat their problems in the least expensive way. Taking university legal actions cost money, but more importantly causes students to feel the need to leave. Then who will pay for that fat upgrade in their pocket book? Who will buy the new tires for the Dean’s convertible? I’ll tell you who—Satan. That’s right, the Father of Lies is going to buy them right after he shoves a pitchfork up their butts and makes them take a bribe from some pot smoking kid who just wants to stay in school for the cheap pot. It may sound funny, but guess what—it’s not far from the truth.
But what example is this showing to the students who portray such acts? It’s saying that this kind of thing is okay. It’s saying that this is the way they are aloud to act. Even though laws, policies, and instructions are set forth—they aren’t for them. Those are for the other people, but not for them. Well you know what happens when these thoughts are created. Do you know what kind of people are made when institutions favor the dollar over ethics and values. Those people created are called serial killers! Those kinds of people are mass murderers, bank robbers, and criminals of all sorts.
An old proverb says that discipline is out of love, that to discipline someone is to guide then and show them the errors of their way so they can change them for the better. In this case, discipline is less money. In this situation the discipline, the right thing, the ethical thing is the road less taken. And I'm afraid it is so rarely taken here that weeds have grown up all around it. So when the time does take to take that road, how will they find it?
Perhaps they will not turn into serial killers or to a life of crime, but they won't turn out good. They won't turn out to be the ethical kinds of people whom this world needs. They won't turn into the ethical kinds of people that this brave institution wants them to be. And why should they? Their role model for ethics was the institution that cared more about money than the excellence that they shall inherit after graduating from this corrupt institution.

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