Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Note: A long time ago in my youth group, we started getting a little....mean to each a loving way. Our youth pastor used to always tell us to edify. Thus I made this nice list.


--You have nice shoes.
--If I’m scuba diving, I’m reassured that you wouldn’t plug my breathing snorkel…I hope.
--You give me such a warm filling inside when you cook chili.
--You’re eyes remind me of mine, they both have pupils.
--I’m relieved in my thoughts that Jesus will come back before you have an opportunity to reproduce---because this world is evil, and your kids deserve better.
--Your singing voice is beautiful. I think that’s you at least.
--You remind me of that guy from tv—yeah, that one.
--Just like candy-you’re sweet. (Yeah, that was lame enough)
--Your kidness reminds me of Mother Teressa—yep, old, shrewd kidness…like evil Catholic nuns.
--I love you more than Satan.
--I believe you can do anyhting you want to do—for the right price.
--Your playing is great. At least that what I think when I’m not there.
--You make some Joyful noise….yeah, that’s a good way to describe it.
--Jesus loves you.
--It’s always a pleasure to be in your company. You always make me laugh. (in one way or another)
--Loud speakers in your car are a good thing.
--It’s always a comfort to know that if my car broke down, I could count on you to give me a ride….for five bucks.
--I love to hear your pleasant voice-I gotta sleep sometime.
--You have a face made for the movies, you know which ones fit which movies.
--Your car has nice tires.
--You’re my friend—I gotta have soemone to blame who’ll still talk to me.
--You’re nicer than Hitler.
--You’re my Hero. I like to set my standards low so I feel better when I overcome them. But you’re still my hero.
--You remind me of someone cool…I think.
--I trust you more than Joseph Stalin(well, if he was alive).
--Ghandi was ‘cool’, but you’re more fun to have an eating contest with.
--I’m willing to turn my back on you while you have a knife in your hand.
--Jesus still loves you.
--God broke the mold when he made you. At least I hope so.
--I can tolerate you more than Curling(the Olympic sport).
--I love you more than nuclear waste.
--I like you more than Hell.

--I believe you’ll be famous one day. Well, after we use you as a scapegoat.
--You’re the best at what you do….whatever it is that you do. Do you do anything anyhow?

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