Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sex & Rock 'n' Roll

Note: Since I first wrote this, years ago, I have learned so much. So, I'm sure there's some things in here that I'd disagree with. Maybe one day I'll rewrite this. This is wrong around '04.

Since the inception of rock n’ roll in the 50’s sex has been associated with this fine institution of music. As the old adage goes—sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll, but what does that say about one of the coolest forms of music since aborigine drum beats. As some people may know Christina Aguellara released her new video this week. But it was the content of her video that drew attention to her, not her song. Yet it’s not the first time this cheap plow has been used to gather attention from fans, the media, and the rest of society who cares nothing about the artist’s music. This raises the question of not only shame and dignity, because it is clear that neither Christinia, Brittney, nor anyone else who employs methods such as these has no self pride and self worth.
It is clear that both Christinia and Brittney have great voices, though their skills in song writing and playing instruments is at an all time low. Yet the question is, “How much self-esteem do these two actually have?” Are their voices not enough that they must take off their clothes to keep an audience? Do they consider their voices and their talent to be so low that they must compensate by stripping in their videos, shows, cd covers, and every other public appearance they have?
As this week has shown, Christinia has gone way past ‘showing skin’ all the way to ‘being a skank.’ It is truly a sad state for the individual and especially the society we live in, for things just one step lower is considered the norm.
The argument could be made that the two are only giving the people what they want. But is this really true? Have they tried not giving the people what they supposedly want? I haven’t seen it and as a pun the entire world has seen it.
In a society that accepts such things as the norm can possibly tell us that it’s not only the two girls that are endangered, but also our society as well. I don’t know about the rest of society, but I find it degrading to turn the tv on and seeing half naked girls all the time. I’m not coming from a feminist point of view or some strange occultist point-of-view, but just a normal person. What if that same moment of having those half-clad women on, a child is watching TV? It’s against the law to abuse children physically, but what about emotionally, psychologically? That’s exactly what such a situation is.
Yes, scientific reports have stated that men think about women and sex so many times a day. But are these the same people that are holding their children in their lap watching TV? These are the same people corrupted by the society that has fed and planted the thoughts of sex and pornographic images in our mind.
That not sound convincing? Maybe not, but how about this situation: A man thinks about sex xx number of times a day. Is this man a father, a teenager, a rapist, a preacher, or an island native? I assure you that an island native whose society places no overbearing stress on sex thinks about it the same amount that the people in such test do. It all boils down to the society, the family, and the environment. This isn’t an article saying society is the sole contributor to people’s thoughts.
It is a fact though that everything you put in front of you affects you in one way or another. Maybe it’s good, maybe it’s bad. Either way, it affects you in some manor. So if you see sex, sex, sex, and the sex—then guess what you’re going to think about? You guessed it. If this isn’t good enough for you, try this one: police shootings went up when the song ‘cop killer’ came out in the early 90’s. Was this a coincidence or maybe I’m right?
I for one am too busy with school, work, and life in general to be consumed by all the junk that MTV and every other brainless blond singer tries to throw at me because they think their singing isn’t good enough.

What do you think?

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